United States Census Data

This CENSUS section contains transcriptions of Titus family entries from the first United States Census from 1790, up to the latest available, that of 1940. The 1890 Census is not available, having been destroyed in a fire.


Instructions for using the features of the following tables are available here.

Notes on each census can be found here.

US Census 1790

US Census 1800

US Census 1810

US Census 1820

US Census 1830

US Census 1840

US Census 1850

US Census 1860

US Census 1870

US Census 1880

US Census 1900

US Census 1910

US Census 1920

US Census 1930

US Census 1940

US Census 1950

Last Name First Name State Location County Age Birth State Occupation Relationship Family Number
wdt_ID Last Name First Name State Location County Age Birth State Occupation Relationship Family Number
1 Titus Bobbie L AL Jefferson Birmingham 31 TN Stenographer Head 1
2 Titus William H AL Jefferson Birmingham 3 AL Son 1
3 Titus Albert E AL Jefferson Birmingham 39 2
4 Titus Ruth W AL Jefferson Birmingham 36 2
5 Titus George AL Chambers 35 PA Head 3
6 Titus Dorothy AL Chambers 24 AL Sales lady Wife 3
7 Titus Larry AL Chambers 3 CT Son 3
8 Titus Vicki AL Chambers 1 CT Dau 3
9 Titus Harvey B AL Colbert 61 NY Agent Head 4
10 Titus Karthrn AL Colbert 50 TN Wife 4

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