Brick Walls

This “BRICK WALLS” section provides a list of Titus mini-genealogies that mostly predate the US census records and have not yet been connected to any of the main Titus lines. Also included is an index, which I call my “Bits ‘N Pieces file, that takes the so-far unconnected Titus and Titus-related obituaries and integrates them as far as possible with the census records. The aim of providing these unconnected portions of Titus families is to eventually insert them in their proper places in one or another of the big pictures, those large jigsaw puzzles that make up the Titus heritage of North America.


Instructions on using the features of the data tables can be found here.

Brick Walls

Every genealogical researcher sooner or later runs up against what is known as a “Brick Wall.” In other words, an area of research where, despite all efforts, nothing seems to fit and no further progress can apparently be made. In the case of one-name studies, such as my Titus lines, the brick walls have tended to multiply. I am listing some of them here in the hope that visitors to this webpage will be able to solve some of these puzzles. Each one of them will provide a unique challenge. I believe the key is to keep working on them from all…

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Bits ‘n Pieces

Bits ‘n Pieces. The Brick Walls section of this site contains fairly large genealogical sections that have not been fitted into any of the main Titus genealogys; that is, the English, Dutch or German sections. As one may expect, in addition to these fairly large Brick Walls, there are literally hundreds of smaller Titus jig saw puzzle pieces that so far have not found homes anywhere. These I continue to collect in what I call my “Bits ‘n Pieces” file.

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