Canadian Census Data

This CENSUS section contains transcriptions of Titus family entries from the first Canadian Census from 1851, up to the latest available, that of 1921.

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United States Census Data

This CENSUS section contains transcriptions of Titus family entries from the first United States Census from 1790, up to the latest available, that of 1940. The 1890 Census is not available, having been destroyed in a fire.

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United States Census Notes

This section contains notes on the transcriptions of Titus family entries from the first United States Census from 1790, up to the latest available, that of 1940. The 1890 Census is not available, having been destroyed in a fire. The census data can be found here. US 1790 Census The transcription of the Titus references in the 1790 United States census was produced from microfilm images copied from the US National Archives and Records Administration microfilm number M637 (12 rolls). This census, the first enumeration produced in the United States, differed from subsequent census formats in that no standard forms were…

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Assumptions On Census Records

In August of 2001 I completed a millennium project of mine when I transcribed the microfilm of the 1891 census for Queens County, New Brunswick, published it and posted it on the Queens County web site. The project was both a challenge and a rewarding experience, involving many hours bent over microfilm reading machines at the Canadian National Archives, and the additional work of putting the data on computer.

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