1950 US Census
January 17, 2023 1950 US Census data has now been added. See the table at the bottom of the United States Census page.
January 17, 2023 1950 US Census data has now been added. See the table at the bottom of the United States Census page.
February 3, 2019 The site is now back again after a long absence that initially resulted from a hack of the hosting site, but was aggravated by a desire to make major enhancements and little time to work on them. Those improvements have now been made. The large databases underlying the site (186,000 names for the index) have now been implemented so that all of the processing is done on the back end, meaning that visitors can examine the data without downloading very large files.
February 3, 2019 This site is now back after an absence of a couple of years. The previous version used older software that was susceptible to attack and as a result was encountering frequent problems with malware. The site has now been ported to newer software and a higher security host. The look is now a little different, but the structure and content are the same. Please bear with us as we workout the final kinks.
As of October 5, 2012, the Titus data from the 1940 US census has been added to the Census Section. This has been made possible by the efforts of Family Search, whose thousands of volunteers indexed and arbitrated the entire 1940 US census in the space of only 124 days!
As of January 31, 2010, some of the content has been rearranged and two new sections have been added to this Titus site. These are Vital Stats and Brick Walls. As with most of the previous sections, both have drop-down menus. The Vital Stats section now includes, in addition to the Washington archival data previously on the site, new transcriptions of Titus-related obituaries, plus New Jersey marriages and deaths, early Massachusetts births, marriages and deaths, Texas marriages and Michigan deaths. I am especially endebted to Marcinda (Cindy) Brown of New Jersey for the many hours she has spent in researching New Jersey records for…
The existence of this Titus website is the result of the hard technical work performed by my son, David Arthurs, who gave the site to me as a Christmas present in 2008. His efforts were spurred along by the encouragement of my daughter, Sue. The results so far have been gratifying. The comments from you folks out there have been positive and it appears that the site is achieving its objectives of filling in some of the gaps in Titus genealogy. The data accumulated from those who have contacted me directly has already added valuable information to the several Titus “big pictures” and further communication is encouraged. Thanks…